

This year's Fusion will be hosted by Tri State Community Church in Dubuque Iowa. It will be a family friendly event with lunches and dinners provided. Because of the Generosity of Tri State in hosting us, this Fusion will be more affordable than previous Fusions at Kalahari, bring the kids!



This year you will pay for your hotel room separately from the conference. This means that the conference registration will not include housing and that you're responsible for making that reservation yourself. Breakfast is not included in the conference.

Registration Prices

Registration Prices are:  Adults $65, Kids 6-17  $45, and Kids under 6 are free! Please complete registration for your whole family, even if free for the sake of food planning.  



The price of the conference registration will increase on November 1st. After that point, we cannot guarantee that there will be space for additional registrations. Please register before December 25th so that we can make sure there is plenty of space and food for everyone.